Thursday, December 29, 2005

Eaton Centre Manhunt

Originally uploaded by fotograf.416.
On December 23rd, the Manhunt posse stormed the Eaton Centre in an attempt to have some good old fashion fun, and hopefully freak out a few pedestrians in the process.

Unfortunately the game wasn't too exciting. It was difficult to see a manhunter coming, which resulted in most people simply being tagged from behind. Christine, Sadie and I were taken out by Alain as we stepped off the escalator.

Regardless, we all had a good time, and in typical manhunt style, we made sure that a level of mischief and chaos was achieved. After the game ended, Manhunters took turns getting in a large garbage can outside the Eaton's entrance. Once everyone sufficiently stunk of trash, a race was held to the Queen St exit of the mall. I’m pretty sure Alain took the prize.

I'm looking forward to the first mega-snowstorm Manhunt in High Park!

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Caribou @ Lee's Palace

I've started posting my pictures from Caribou’s December 12th show at Lee’s Palace (33 posted so far). It was great to see Dan play again, and the boys put on an outstanding show.

Dan was also kind enough to let me interview him for blogTO, so check it out:

Interview: Caribou

Thanks to my sister Jordana for taking the photo for the interview. She’s got mad skillz. In addition, thanks Jordana for teaching me about Colour Balance. It has been very helpful in editing my photos from this concert. Without CB adjustments, everyone's skin looked a hideous redish colour.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Goin' Steady @ Footwork

Last Saturday was everyone's favorite 50s party, Goin' Steady! Unfortunately, the venue changed from The Boat which we all love, to Footwork which we all hate(d). It just feels weird having a 50s party in a techno club. Sure the sound was great, the video screen was cool and they did decorate the place quite festively, but all those things just make the whole experience a little too refined for my liking. I like the grungy ghettoness of the boat!

My suggestion to the Goin' Steady people is to make up with The Boat. We know you two can get along. My second suggestions is, for god sakes, start selling advance tickets if you are selling out and over crowding The Boat.

All bitching aside, from a photographic stand point, Footwork did have some cool lights that I used to my advantage. Check out the jesusesque shots in my Goin' Steady flickr set.

Stars @ Lee's Palace

I've written a full length article about this concert for blogTO, so check it out!

I’m pretty excited about my new position as a writer for blogTO. It may result in a few shorter posts like this, but in generally it will only encourage me to take my camera with me everywhere I go, and to attend even more shows than I already do. Goodbye sleep, hello internerd famous blogger status!

I digress. About half of my pictures from the Stars show have been posted, and I’ll try to get the rest up by the end of the week. I was nice and close for this show, and the stage was very bright and well decorated, so check out the flickr set for some kick ass picture!

Friday, December 09, 2005

Ride the Reindeer Subway Party by New Mind Space

Last night was the Ride the Reindeer Subway Party put on by Kevin and Lori of New Mind Space. These kids throw great parties! Pillow fights, zombie walks, capture the flag, etc... But the Subway Party was one of the best ideas yet. About 50 people met up at Kipling station at precisely 11:11pm. You could tell from the vibe that people were ready to party HARD. The anticipation was palpable. With little warning the word was given and the last car on the train was chaotically boarded. The car was packed! Very quickly the party burst into full swing. People seriously went all out!! Costumes, tones of candy, presents, bubbles, music, dancing, caroling, a whole lot of yelling, whistles, snakes, airplanes, etc... the list goes on and on. An amazing night!

Thanks again to Kevin and Lori. So when’s the next one kids???

Final Fantasy Video Release Party @ The Boat

There’s nothing better than talented bands in a small venue, which is why I got my ass down to The boat early for this show. I arrive at 9pm when the doors were supposed to open. At 10:30pm they started letting people in and the line was huge! If you weren’t already in line by 10pm, you probably didn’t get in....

And that makes you a sucker because this was an awesome night! Things started off with Henri Faberge and the Adorables. I don’t know what to say about these guys. They were much more entertaining than they were talented. Fun, just not great music.

Then came the singer-songwriter Laura Barrett. She has an amazing voice, but was a little too quite for the drunks in the back. A fierce battle between the shuuuushers and the talkers broke out. I’m surprised it didn’t come to blows.

After Laura finished her half hour set, we were finally treated to our sneak peak at the new and first ever Final Fantasy video. I wish I could tell you it was amazing, but to be honest, I was disappointed. I know he doesn’t have a major label giving him millions of dollars, but this looked like something that was produced on a film student budget. Beyond that, they completely ignored the wonderful lyrics and message of “This is the Dream of Win & Regine”. Despite that, there was some sort of appeal to the escapism of the video... and of course the unicorn ponies.

Final Fantasy put on a great show complete with a Block Party cover of “This Modern Love” and a guest appearance by Gentleman Reg. Stellar as always!

After Final Fantasy came the real treat of the night, Ninja High School! I know these guys from Manhunt, and knew they had some band, but come on, everyone is this city is in a frick’n band. I was more that a little shocked when they took the stage. Instantly the vibe in the room went from tired and drunk, to bouncing off the mother fuck’n walls. The vocals had energy, the tunes were catchy and the band was moshing with the crowd! Only fitting that they told the crowd “You're going home in a fucking ambulance!”. Off the mother fuck’n hook. Without a doubt, my new favorite positive hardcore dance-rap band.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Zoi Zoi @ Resistor Gallery

Originally uploaded by fotograf.416.
On Saturday the crew headed down to Resistor Gallery @ College & Spadina for Zoi Zoi and a night of fuck’n hot French Pop action. Christopher knows how to throw a fuck’n stellar party. The music was way less shitty than I expected. I would have dance more but my belly was so fuck’n full of turducken. Christopher did a fruck’n great job of setting up the space, and the video screen with French movies was a fuck’n great touch. Pardon my French...