Last weekend Brooklyn Kickball held their first ever North American Invitational kickball tournament. We might not have brought home the championship, but we won a few games, made a lot of friends and definitely proved that Toronto can kick it!
Thanks to our wonderful organizers Andrew & Sarah, Toronto made an epic entrance to the Brooklyn fields. The Canadian flag, matching uniforms (thanks to American Apparel) and a rather boisterous rendition of Oh Canada were all it took to make a few hundred Americans stop in their tracks and jointly say "check out Canada!".
Toronto fielded two teams, Toronto 1 and Toronto 2... Also known as the Rough Riders! Toronto 2 ran into some, shall we say, technical difficulties in the way of Brooklyn and DC's finest. So we'll just brush over those loses and move on to Toronto 1.
Toronto 1 came out of the gate strong with a near perfect defeat of Providence by a score of 7-0! Props to the Providence kids! They were good sports and kept the game light (Even if they did give everyone pink eye).
Toronto 1's second game was against some thugs from DC called the D-Block. These guys could learn a thing or two about chilling the fuck out and playing by the rules. We beat these losers 5-4, but thanks to some crafty cheating, only came away with an official tie. It probably didn't help that our referees were hammered at this point...
On a personal note, kicking a homerun against DC was one of the highlights of my weekend.
Lastly we faced Brooklyn 3, and, well, it didn't go so good... We were all a little too tired and sun stroked at this point to put up a good fight. Oh well. It hardly hampered what was without a doubt one of the highlights of my summer!